
Nakaya Desk Pen review

This is a review of the Nakaya Desk Pen in Aka-Tamenuri with a Medium-soft nib.  The best discription comes right from the Nibs.com site.

“This Nakaya fountain pen is made of ebonite that is meticulously coated with Urushi, a material made from the sap of a Japanese lacquer tree. The process of collecting the Urushi and applying many layers of lacquer to this fountain pen takes three months to complete.”

Besides being beautiful the pen I got is perfect. Not an easy task but these pens are made by hand. The hands that make them are skilled with years and years of experience, expertise and practice. The threads alone are made by hand. From what I am to understand ALL the threads are cut by the same man who turns the pens with a foot pedal while cutting them with a small cutting tool. The color of this pen “Aka-Tamenuri” which is a dark reddish-red. As time goes by and the pen ages more of the red will come out naturally. While these pens are not inexpensive what you get is warm to the touch and a dream to use.

One of the best features about buying a Nakaya from Nibs.com is that it is owned by the one and only John Mottishaw. Every pen that leaves is touched and inspected by him personally. As well when you order you are asked if you are right or left handed and how wet you want it to write on a scale of 1-10. Nib options are endless. Bottom line is you need to visit the site when you have some time as there is a lot to look at and read. Lastly but not least is those who work for John know what they are doing and how to treat his customers. Your order is treated more like a concierge service where all details are covered and any questions you have are answered promply and correctly. David and Mariana helped me and they were amazingly nice and made my experience fantastic to say the least.

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